Some facts about snails:
❧ As the diagram above shows, snails have most of their internal organs inside their shell. What we usually think as the "body" of the snail is a very strong foot! Even the digestive system is inside their shell, and they poop from it. Their butt is not where you'd expect it to be!
❧ Though we commonly think of land snails as herbivorous, most of them are omnivorous detritovores. So, they eat detritus - decaying plant and animal matter. They will happily munch on vegetables (even if moldy), as well as animals that are already dead. Though there are some snails that are carnivorous and actively hunt prey, like the rosy wolfsnail, aka the cannibal snail! You can probably guess why :-)
❧ Most land snails are hermaphrodites. They possess both the male and female reproductive organs, and while they don't disdain having sex with other snails (colloquially referred as snex), they're able to self-fertilize, and produce viable offsprings all on their own!
❧ Most snails have four tentacles on their face. The upper two are longer and are eyestalks! The lower two tend to be olfactory receptors. They rely a lot on their sense of smell!