Galloping Unicorn

Hello, and welcome to my little corner of the web! My name is Ray, but also Annalisa or Anna. I'm a person from Italy with too many passions to count and too much enthusiasm to keep inside. Among all these little passions there is a lot of love for personal blogs and websites - a neighborhood of windows to peek in, each window showcasing something dear to a certain person. This is my little window - like a garden, I curate it, rearrange every page and icon just for the sake of doing so.

I hope you can find something interesting, or fascinating, or pretty - something consistent that you can take home with you - or even just a novel perspective on the internet! Stay a while, won't you?


✦News & Updates✦

02/02/2025: I have been so, so tired these last couple weeks. Today I did a lot of work on the site to wind down. I'm happy about it! It was relaxing. I've updated some sections - "hoard" is now collections, and will further be expanded. Thoughts is now more garden-y, to be more approachable - I realized I wasn't writing anything in it, waiting to have a "finished" thing to share - which goes against the very principle of this website. I will be updating it more often.

12/01/2025: Happy new year!! This has been one very intense year for me.
The site is now being hosted on github pages. I've been reconsidering what I want/need from a web host, so for the moment I'm grabbing some juicy free hosting from a multinational conglomerate, woo!
I've updated the guestbook (thank you atabook!), but previous guestbook entried will be forever archived here. For now, I'll be focusing on fixing things I left unfinished here and there. I would also love to try and implement a blog-like space. Stay tuned!
Currently sharing 🎜 Nascent and 🖼️ a closeup picture of a patch of clammy chickweed on homepage.

17/05/2024: I've been blindly fooling about with git, and I'm frankly happy I did! It allows me to more easily keep track of what I change, and keep my files consistent between the local and remote locations.
Thankfully, nekoweb supports git - and so with a couple commands I can upload the same files quite seamlessly on both nekoweb and github. Github will be a sort of "backup" for now - as in, if I ever will want or need to host there, already have everything set up.
Not quite website related - but I've made the jump and switched to linux! (hey - we all cope with the stress of moving in different ways) I'm on dual boot for now, as I think I will need steady access to Windows still while I get the hang of this. If you haven't already, and you have a spare pendrive laying around, give mint or Pop!_OS a try! I recommend to install Ventoy on an usb drive, so you can chuck all the .iso files you want on there and take a look around, no strings attached. Just look up online how to access your computer's boot menu, and ask to boot from the pendrive for that one time. I might write something about it in the future!

10/05/2024: 🞜 Switched over to nekoweb for web hosting for the time being. No big reason - I just enjoy seeing some more options, it looks like it's being actively worked on by a team of passionate people, and it's cheaper. Clear your cache if you've been here in the past!
The Neocities profile isn't going anywhere, though the site on there ( will always redirect to, no matter where it's being hosted!
🞜 Added a recommendations page, and wrote something about keeping snails.
Currently sharing 🎜 TECHDOG 2 and 🖼️ a picture of my little snail Erika on homepage.

09/04/2024: Added some more buttons and some small fixes. Currently sharing 🎥 Vi Hart's "Totality" video and 🖼️ a picture of Fragola on homepage.

31/03/2024: Happy Easter! Currently sharing the Pastiera recipe and 🎜 TECHDOG 3 on homepage. Added a couple more cursors for when you hover on hyperlinks, some decorations, and tried to improve readability thanks to Solaria's Accessibility Guides. Life has otherwise been overwhelming, and I didn't get much of anything done.

22/03/2024: Small fixes here and there.

20/03/2024: site just got a rehaul! :D Happy first day of spring! On homepage: 🎜 TECHDOG 1 and 🖼️ a dog friend.

Old Updates/Log03/11/2022 Joined the Yesterweb Ring! Made the index page scrollable since I need to keep this webring in there to have it work. I hope this is visible / clear enough like this, otherwise I'll put it at the top of the page!
06/10/2022 Added a "links" section with links to other sites, an "hoard" section to store graphics in, and I joined/applied for a few webrings. Still figuring out where to keep all the webrings eventually - Ideally I'd like to keep them on the sidebars, but I'm running out of space. I can make my frontpage longer like all the other pages, but idk I feel a little sad that the background won't show as much anymore on the landing page. I guess we'll see!
05/10/2022 Added a blog section. Something happened that made me need to write again, and now I've taken a liking to it. Updates there will be slow, and stuff in there might get a bit corny. Please don't bully me for it. :') I have a couple other things I want to write for now, and it's a good opportunity for me to practice writing in English!
13/09/2022 Got added in the italian webring! :D added it to my page, still trying to get it to work on index.html. Removed chat from the side (sad but it was virtually unusable), and put it in its own page. Will put more trinkets in its place!
Also created a button to link back to me. I want to make more, but struggle with readability.
12/09/2022 - Tried to fix some css stuff that made the site especially weird to look at. Now the chatbox shouldn't almost clip into the main center content, hooray!
Added links to sadgrl, yesterweb, neocities and firefox on the footer.
Added a "plants" page.
Added (optional) music.

✦To do✦
✦ Write the pages to go in the "plants" section! And find a way to display a gallery.
✦ Having figured out a way to have a gallery, finally add galleries to the "art" section.
✦ Translate everything into italian as well. Figure out a way to have a bilingual site! Maybe just make a duplicate of everything? :(
✦ Actually talk to people too!!!
✦ Oh right! The freeware section
✦ Undertale shrineee but its gonna be a big project since I never know how to compromise
✦ Next blog post spoilers: the unexpected beauty of being an artisan rather than an artist, and progressive cyberbullying
✦ A section for song lyrics I translate. I really like to translate song lyrics in my spare time sometimes. I'm not good but I really love it.

A zoomed in view of a patch of Cerastium glomeratum, clammy chickweed.