This is the year I graduated. Part of it was spent doing the final work for university, but then I started taking online commissions, and the quantity of my personal drawings diminished by a lot.
"Thesis" project - Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Artbook 🇮🇹
Progetto di "tesi" - Artbook de La Guida Galattica per Autostoppisti 🇮🇹
Please take "thesis" very lightly. Although this was done for university, at this point I was still a completely self taught hobby artist by all means and purposes.
Flip through my sketchbook!
Sfoglia il mio sketchbook!
Click on the pages to flip them. Credits to Sanjay Mandani for the code!
Vertical sketchbook:
Sketchbook verticale:

Page-per-page gallery

Horizontal sketchbook:
Sketchbook orizzontale:

Page-per-page gallery

Digital and miscellaneous art
Digitale e disegni sfusi