In my last year at the Arts Academy, I finally had the pleasure of having my first and only Illustration course. This year I drew a ton, though mostly exercises, and then studies for my "thesis project" - which for me was just an excuse to draw hitchhiker's guide fanart.
Digital and miscellaneous art
Digitale e disegni sfusi

Flip through my sketchbook!
Sfoglia il mio sketchbook!
Click on the pages to flip them. Credits to Sanjay Mandani for the code!
Horizontal sketchbook - misc subjects:
Sketchbook orizzontale - altri soggetti:

Page-per-page gallery

Horizontal sketchbook - fanarts:
Sketchbook orizzontale - fanart:

Page-per-page gallery

Horizontal sketchbook - line exercises:
Sketchbook orizzontale - esercizi di linea:

Page-per-page gallery

Vertical sketchbook:
Sketchbook verticale:

Page-per-page gallery